“I think 2018 tried to kill everyone.”
A friend of mine posted this on Instagram about a week ago and I couldn’t agree more.
“I think 2018 tried to kill everyone.”
A friend of mine posted this on Instagram about a week ago and I couldn’t agree more.
“Over here we measure success by how many people successful next to you/ Here we say you broke if everybody else broke except for you.” — “Boss” by The Carters
I am determined to make 2019 my most successful year yet, but I can’t count 2019 as a win unless you’re winning, too.
Here are some things I think you should do to be successful in 2019 and how See Jane Write can help you with each step.
It’s time for another edition of Currently, a feature for which I share what I’m currently watching, reading, listening to, writing, feeling, planning, and loving.
Each year, I challenge the readers of See Jane Write who blog to publish a new blog post every day in the month of November. I call this challenge #BlogLikeCrazy and, trust me, the process certainly lives up to its name. But I’m so glad that every year several ladies (and gentlemen) join the fun.
Today I salute the #BlogLikeCrazy All-Stars for 2018 — the bloggers who succeeded in giving their readers new content every day in November.
I did it! I published a new blog post every day for 30 days and another successful #bloglikecrazy is in the books. So, what’s next?