Body doubling may sound like something from a sci-fi novel about cloning humans but it’s actually a technique that could help you finally write a novel of your own.
If you’re a writer struggling with a lack of motivation, and you put the pro in procrastination, body doubling may be exactly what you need. Body doubling can also be helpful if you feel isolated and lonely in your writing life.
Read on to learn how body doubling works and how to use it to improve your writing routine.
What is Body Doubling?
Body doubling is a term for working alongside another person to boost focus and accountability. The simple act of having someone present creates a sense of obligation and structure. You’re motivated to show up and do the work because if you don’t, you’re going to let someone down.
Body doubling can take the form of in-person writing meetups at a coworking space, library, or coffee shop. You can have virtual sessions too over a video call.
If writing is a passion project for you and not your full-time job it can be easy to push it to the back burner when life gets busy. But having a regular coworking meetup with a writing buddy on your calendar can keep you committed and consistent.
Or maybe you’re a full-time freelancer who also wants to write a book. (I’m looking in the mirror.) It’s easy to prioritize the writing you do for clients or media outlets and never get around to working on your own projects. When you have someone holding you accountable you can write for a living and write for yourself.
The Benefits of Body Doubling for Writers
Body doubling is a key component of the See Jane Write Collective. We gather each week via Zoom to write together. First, we spend 30 minutes chatting and checking in with one another, sharing small victories as well as any challenges we’re facing. Then everyone’s mic is muted and we just write for an hour. I always tell first-timers that it will feel weird being a Zoom where no one is talking. But at the end of the session, you will be amazed by how much you got done.
“I find I am much more productive when I have a set amount of time and some people on the front and back end who will listen to my report of what I was able to accomplish,” says Sue Verlaan, a Collective member who loves body doubling so much that she hosts her own virtual meetups in addition to the sessions with the Collective.
“I don’t feel so lonely,” she says. “I stay in front of my computer longer because I am less apt to hop up and do the laundry or some other chore that could wait.”
If dirty dishes distract you when you’re working at home or if you easily fall into social media rabbit holes, having someone there to keep you on track could make a world of difference. Plus, seeing someone else working could inspire you to keep going.
And if imposter syndrome has you feeling like you’re not talented enough to be a writer, your writing buddy can give you the encouragement you need to quiet down your inner critic.
How to Get Started with Body Doubling
The easiest way to get started with body doubling is to join the See Jane Write Collective! Starting in 2025 we will have coworking sessions via Zoom six days a week!
But if you don’t want to join the Janes, here’s how you can start body doubling sessions on your own.
Find a Partner: If there’s no one in your friend circle you think would make for a good writing buddy, turn to social media or an online community for help.
Set Expectations: Decide on how often you’ll meet, when you’ll meet and for how long. It’s also a good idea to set some rules about how and when you’ll chat. A friend of mine and I used to write together at a local coffee shop, and we’d have designated time to gossip and giggle. But once that time was up, we’d get back to work.
Choose a Format: If you and your writing partner live in the same town, you may opt to meet up in person. You can meet at a coworking space, library, or coffee shop. Otherwise, you’ll want to do a virtual meetup on Zoom, Google Meet or some other video conferencing platform.
Create a Ritual: Begin each session with a check-in, sharing what your goals are for the meeting. End with a wrap-up, reporting what progress you made.
Consistency and Camaraderie
Remember that consistency is key. Having a body doubling session every blue moon won’t be nearly as effective as having one once a week. So schedule regular sessions so you can build momentum with your writing.
The writing life can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. Through body doubling sessions you can find the camaraderie you need to achieve your writing goals.
Enrollment for the See Jane Write Collective is NOW open but closes on Friday, December 20 at 7 p.m. CT. Learn more here.
Great tips. I’m a witness that body doubling is an effective tool to assist writing goals and deadlines. Thanks, Javacia!
I always love when you can log on for our weekly writing sessions!