Are you looking to fall in love with blogging again? Me too!

There was a time when I was the go-to person for anyone looking to fall in love with blogging again.  In my city of Birmingham, I was known as “the blogger girl.” One friend of mine used to call me “The Blogger Whisperer” because of my ability to get people motivated to post consistent content. But these days I need someone to get me out of my own blogging rut.

For months, I’ve been bored of blogging and ready to throw in the towel. But instead of giving up, I’ve decided to step up and coach myself.

Today I’m sharing some things I’m doing to fall in love with blogging again in case you need to rekindle your passion for posting too.

Remember Your Why

Oftentimes, when we lose our motivation to blog (or do anything for that matter) it’s because we’ve lost sight of why we started. Why do you want to blog? Who do you want to help? What’s your worldview? What do you believe, why do you believe, and how can you make sure your blog reflects this? Writer and blogger Jeff Goins says that we can define our worldview by filling in the blanks of this statement:

I believe every ________ should __________.

For example, I believe every woman should share her story because I believe that in doing so she empowers others and herself.

Revisit and revamp your About page to be sure it reflects your worldview and perhaps this will reignite your zeal for your personal mission.

Reconnect with your people.

Part of remembering why you do what you do is remember who you do it for. Reconnecting with your readers could get you excited about blogging again. Use your email list or favorite social media platform to ask your audience what kind of content they’d like to see from you. Find out what they’re struggling with and brainstorm ways you could help.

Connecting with other bloggers can help too. Network with other bloggers in person or online. The See Jane Write Network Facebook group is a great place to start.

Collaboration Over Competition

Centering on your why can also help you stop comparing yourself to other bloggers. Comparison is the thief of joy and often a killer of consistency. You may be discouraged about posting regularly because you’re not getting the same engagement and opportunities as one of your blogging buddies. But keep your eyes on your own paper!

Stop comparing yourself to your fellow bloggers and stop seeing them as your competition. Instead, brainstorm ways you could collaborate.

Give your blog a makeover.

Sometimes you’re just tired of looking at your blog! Just as you may switch up your hair or your wardrobe or try something new with your makeup routine, you can change your blog’s look, too. If you struggle with shiny object syndrome and your attention is often diverted by new projects making it difficult to complete anything, revamping the design of your blog may give you the burst of energy you need. With the new look, you’ll feel like you have a shiny new toy, but you can use that excitement to stay committed to your blog.

Related Reading: After 3 years of procrastinating, I finally redesigned my website

Freshen up your idea list.

Every good blogger keeps a running list of blog post ideas. If your well has run dry, take some time to brainstorm new ideas for your blog.

In addition to getting suggestions from your readers, revisit some of your favorite and most popular posts for inspiration too.

A change of scenery might spark new ideas too. So, schedule a brainstorming session at your favorite coffee shop, library, or park.

Ditch Your Niche

If you’re really bored with your blog, it may be time to shift the focus of your content. I know that switching your niche can be scary. You’re afraid of losing readers who’ve come to expect you to cover a specific topic. But remember that as you grow and change, your content will need to follow suit. And keep in mind that your readers are evolving too. Also, your new niche doesn’t have to be a drastic change.

My blog here at See Jane Write is all about showing women that they can use writing to make an impact and an income and empowering them to believe that they have a story worth sharing. I could further refine my niche and focus solely on freelance writing. Or I could get back to basics and shift the focus of my blog to the power and practice of journaling.

Here are some questions to consider to help you nail down your new niche:

  • Is there a topic you’re passionate about that people also often ask you about?
  • Why are you passionate about this topic?
  • What specifically do you want to say about this topic?
  • Who is your ideal reader?

Plan your process.

To be honest, no matter what you do, there will always be days when you don’t feel like blogging. You won’t always feel motivated and that’s why you have to be disciplined. Once you are posting consistently you build momentum and dedication which lead to discipline.

The best way to stay consistent is to stay ahead. That’s why you need both an editorial calendar and an editorial process.

Creating an editorial calendar is simple. First, decide how often you want to post and when. Next, brainstorm blog post ideas for the month. Then, decide when you want to publish each post.

As you know creating content is a process that looks something like this:

  • Brainstorm
  • Research and outline
  • Write
  • Select images
  • Edit and format
  • Publish and promote

Just as you plan your content, you must plan your process. You must schedule when you’re going to work on each step of this production process.

You could spend one weekend each month batch producing content for the entire month or you could spread the tasks over the week. Here’s a sample schedule:

  • Monday: Research and Outline your blog post.
  • Tuesday: Write your blog post.
  • Wednesday: Choose images for your blog post.
  • Thursday: Format and edit your blog post. Schedule when it will publish.
  • Friday: Create and schedule social media posts.

What do you do when you’re in a blogging rut? What tips do you have on how to fall in love with blogging again?