You’ve heard it again and again: If you fail to plan you plan to fail. And yet you don’t apply this old adage to your blogging life.

If you’re having a hard time being consistent with your blog, most likely it’s because you’re failing to plan out your content. And this is why you need The Content Planner, which is now available for pre-sale.

Created by photographer, graphic designer, and entrepreneur Kat Gaskin, The Content Planner is designed specifically for content creators to help you plan your blog posts, email campaigns, and social media posts.

If you want to blog consistently you need to plan what content you want to post and when and you need to schedule when you’re actually going to produce this content. You can use The Content Planner to do all this and more.

The Content Planner also features sections for you to list your goals and ideas and chart your progress.

Maybe you’re not blogging consistently because you’re lacking inspiration. The Content Planner can help with that, too. The planner features monthly themes and a long list of holidays and marketing dates that will help you never run out of ideas.

For example, if I take a look in the 2018 Content Planner I see that themes for October include spooky stories and 2019 planning. So as I’m planning content for October I might consider doing a Q&A with a woman who writes mystery or horror or a post on developing a vision for your writing life for 2019. Also, I see that October 5 is World Teachers Day, so perhaps I could do a piece on authors who are also educators.

I think you get the gist. You can take the monthly themes, holidays, and marketing dates and apply them to your blogging niche to get a plethora of ideas to help you beat blogger’s block month after month.

Pre-order your Content Planner today at!

*This post contains affiliate links.