What do you want?

This question keeps coming up.

It’s come up in sessions with my therapist, in chats with my best friends, and even in Bible studies I’ve been reading on the YouVersion app.

And I’ve realized that I honestly don’t know the answer. I’m no longer sure of what I want for my career as a writer, blogger, or teacher. Or maybe I do know what I want but I’m afraid I don’t deserve it.

Whatever the case may be, my #1 goal for June is to rewrite my vision statement for my life. I’ll start with a simple prompt: It is the year 2023 and I am so proud of the life I have created. And from there I’ll let my imagination go wild.

But I am not just a dreamer. I am a doer, too. Here are my 4 action-oriented goals for June:

Walk/run 150 miles.

Read 4 books.

Revamp the See Jane Write website.

Send story pitches to 5 of my favorite publications.

This month I also plan to attend 3 events I’m really excited about — Black Writers Weekend, Summit21, and the Teacher Self-Care Conference.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Remember that a goal without a plan is just a wish. So for each of the four goals you see listed above I’ve developed a strategy for how to achieve them.

To walk/run 150 miles this month I need to get in an average of 5 miles a day. To beat the Alabama heat I’ll run first thing in the morning whenever I can or even take to the dreaded treadmill when necessary.

To read 4 books this month I’ll need to read a book per week, which I can easily do during the summer months as long as I don’t get sucked into Criminal Minds marathons.

Revamping the See Jane Write website is something I’ve been putting off FOREVER. I’ll tackle it FINALLY this month by breaking down the process into smaller tasks and assigning each task to a day in June. And if I STILL haven’t completed these tasks before the last week of June, I’m just going to pay someone to redesign the site for me.

Sending 5 story pitches this month will be tough. This will require lots of researching, networking, and brainstorming. But my plan is to work on this for one hour a day most days of the week to get this accomplished.


Do you know what you want? What are your goals and plans for June?