mrs. bowser

“She who learns, teaches.” — African proverb

I have a coffee mug that reads “Teacher by day, Blogger by night” and that’s a pretty accurate description of who I am and what I do. By day I teach 8th and 10th grade English at the Alabama School of Fine Arts and by night I blog about writing, wellness, and women’s empowerment and I run See Jane Write, an organization for local female writers and bloggers. I also freelance for a number of local media outlets.

In my latest column for B-Metro magazine — I Teach Like a Girl, Too — I discuss how I strive to create a feminist classroom and why I think this helps all students — both boys and girls.

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But lately I’ve realized that, for me, teaching extends beyond my classroom. Last month, for example, I had the opportunity to chat with a group of 6th grade girls at a local middle school about confidence, as part of an empowerment program organized by Girls on the Run (pictured above).

But I teach grownup girls, too! See Jane Write is an extension of my teaching and one of the mottos that I live by is the African proverb, “She who learns, teaches.”  As I strive to grow See Jane Write as both a blog and a business I’m learning many, many lessons. And whatever I learn, whether from a success or setback, I pass on that lesson to the women of See Jane Write.

As you strive to build a blog you should adopt the same mantra — regardless of your niche. Don’t be stingy with your knowledge and wisdom! I believe this is the best way to build your blog. If you’re giving readers free content that will help them solve a problem or fill a void they’ll not only keep reading your blog, but they’ll encourage others to visit, too. And when you start selling products, hosting events, or promoting sponsored campaigns, these readers will be eager to support you.

Grab your favorite notebook and jot down all the lessons you’ve learned related to your niche. Then take some time to review this list and pluck from it blog post ideas, as well as ideas for events or paid programs.

What lessons do you have to pass on to your tribe?