I’m a girl with goals galore, but I’m also a girl who knows that a goal without a plan is just a wish. So I am intentional and strategic when I set my goals for the year, the quarter, and the month. I want to help you do the same as we all plot our plans for April and the second quarter of the year. So I’m giving you a peek inside my goals notebook. Yes, I actually have a special notebook that’s reserved only for setting and planning my goals. (It’s the “I Am Very Busy notebook pictured above.) I call it my Goal Digger Handbook.

Before setting goals for the next 90 days, take a moment to look back at the past 90 days. Sure, there are some goals you didn’t accomplish. You need to recognize that and ask yourself why you didn’t reach those goals so you’ll know what changes you need to make. But I’m sure there are many things — both big and small — that you did accomplish. You need to acknowledge those and give yourself a pat on the back.

Take a look at the each goal from the first quarter of the year that you didn’t accomplish and decide if you’re going to put that goal on the back burner until later this year or next year, if you want to let go of that goal because is no longer important to you, or if you want to tackle that goal during the second quarter. Also review the rest of your goals for 2017 and decide which ones you’d like to pursue over the next 90 days.

When you set your goals for the next 90 days, consider your writing and blogging goals, but don’t forget to set personal goals, too. We want to write and have a life! In fact, having a full life is sure to make you a better writer and blogger as a full life means more inspiration. Consider all areas of life: professional/creative goals; spiritual life; family and relationships; health and fitness goals; financial success; travel goals; hobbies and fun things you want to do; your home, wardrobe, and other possessions.

Be sure that your goals are specific and measurable, too. For example, don’t just say “I want to grow my blog” but state how many monthly page views you want your blog to have by the end of June 2017.

Here are my 90-day goals:

  1. Successfully complete the 2016-2017 school year.
  2. Begin planning the 2017-2018 school year.
  3. Attend the ISTE conference.
  4. Relaunch See Jane Write membership.
  5. Develop a sales funnel.
  6. Join a summer small group at church.
  7. Lose 10 pounds.
  8. Take a girls trip.
  9. Have a photo shoot for new head shots, etc.
  10.  Go to the beach with hubs.

A few notes about my goals: This is LONG list. The fewer goals you set the better because you can give your goals more focus and you won’t get overwhelmed. I don’t have an specific writing goals listed, but one thing I’ve been doing this year is writing in my journal every night before bed. I plan to keep this practice going.

Next, I set goals for April that in someway correspond with my 90-day goals.

Here are my goals for April:

  1. Create and stick to a grading schedule.
  2. Launch the GoalDigger Mastermind and recruit 10 clients. (If you’re interested in joining, you can learn more here.)
  3. Lose 5 pounds.
  4. Take a Girls Trip.
  5. Complete the FEA Membership Sites course.

Now it’s time to plan. In my goals notebook I break down each goal into smaller steps and I use my planner to schedule when I’m going to complete each of these tasks. I also establish my Momentum Moves for the month. These are things I need to do on a regular basis throughout the month to move me closer to accomplishing my goals. For example, to lose 5 pounds my Momentum Move is to burn at least 500 extra calories a day through exercise.

Whenever I talk to the women of my tribe about their goals there are three issues that almost always come up:

I can’t find the time to work on my goals.

I keep looking at everyone else and I feel so behind.

I just can’t stay motivated.

Let’s address each of these…

I can’t find the time to work on my goals.

Make the time! How do you “make time”? You get up earlier. Rise an hour earlier than you normally do and use that time to work on your goals before you have to tend to the demands of your day job or your family. This is why I get up at 4 a.m. every weekday.

I keep looking at everyone else and I feel so behind.

Comparison is the thief of joy. You’ve heard this before and you know it’s true, but the question is what do we do about it. The answer: collaboration. Collaboration is greater than competition and collaboration starves the monster of comparison. Whenever I am tempted to envy another female writer or blogger, I seek ways to collaborate with her instead. I resist the urge to see her as competition and view her as my fellow  “writeous babe” and in the end we all win.

I just can’t stay motivated.

There are two ways I stay motivated. First, I stay focused on why I’m doing what I’m doing in the first place and I do this by reviewing my vision for my life on a regular basis (if you haven’t written out your vision for your life, you need to get on that) and by writing in my journal each night. Also, I stay motivated by immersing myself in inspiration. Read books and listen to podcasts that get you pumped up. Fill your workspace with affirmations that make you feel ready to conquer the world.


Would you like to work with me one-on-one for six months to accomplish your big goal for 2017? If so, check out the Goal Digger Mastermind, my new program that starts May 1. Get details here.